Saturday, February 11, 2012

Donating Blood

Let us save lives by donating our blood.In three months our blood cells are destroyed in our body.So why waste the blood cells? Instead let us save the lives of needy people , and eventually we will feel proud of ourselves to see the people who are living because of our blood which will also make us very happy and make our lives worthwhile. This world is really beautiful because there are people like us who really and sincerely want to save and help this world. Those who are interested in donating blood should also motivate others to do so. The blood banks in the country report shortages of blood. Donating blood, therefore, mean saving lives. There is no saying when anyone needs blood. People should be encouraged to donate blood. For this there is need to make them aware about the good they would be doing if they donated their blood. This will be the great work of us being human being our wasting blood which is very worthful in the other site if we donate the blood. That helps to save the lives of people in needed of blood if we people never donate the blood then see what will be happen? So this matter should be give address from our Government, our Society for giving awareness from each side by side to each people to people. What is Donating blood and how worthful along important is this.

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