Sunday, February 26, 2012

Major Climatic Variations of Ecosystem.

Variation in the physical and chemical aspects of the environment are common and normal.The kinds of plants, together with climatic and edaphic factors, influence the number and distribution of the various kinds of animals, and turn, many influence plants. Various ecological factors such as light, temperature, soil, water, etc. vary with time (temporal variation) and space (spatial variation). These factors are involved at each level of organization. Various ecological factors have been grouped into direct and indirect factors. Direct factors are light, temperature, moisture of air or soil and soil nutrients. Indirect factors include the wind, altitude, slope of the land and soil & soil organism.           All direct factors are major but temperature and moisture vary much in an environment. Their variation has great influence on distribution of plants and animals in various ways. Warm blooded animals tend to maintain their body temperature both in cold and hot conditions by various ways such as fact layer in the skin, hair or feathers, increasing metabolic rate etc. Temperature  variation caused due to different intensity of solar radiations has both spatial and temporal variations among the plants. Temperature variation is it decreases towards the poles. Besides these plant cover, water content  of soil , topographical factors, etc. also affect the temperature of the area.
  Moisture also varies according to place, season, altitude etc. Rainwater, snowfall, dew, frost, hail etc. result the change of moisture of atmosphere. Atmosphere moisture is in the form of vapour, known as humidity and humidity of air is expressed in terms of relative humidity ( i.e % of moisture in air compared to the amount of moisture which air can hold at saturations at the existing temperature). Humidity is affected by many factors such as light intensity, temperature, altitude, wind, exposure water content of soil etc.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Government plans to sign labour pacts.

Deal with Malaysia, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Oman in pipeline.

The government is preparing to sign labour agreements with five countires, where Nepalis travel to as migrant workers within the current fiscal year. Preparations to sign labour agreements with Malaysia, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan and Oman are in the final stages, said spokesperson of the Ministry of Labour and Transport Management Buddhi Bahadur Khadka. We have forwarded our draft to them, he said, adding that all the concerned countries are positive about it and the labour contract with these five countries is expected to be finalised within this fiscal year. The Government had signed a labour contract with Malaysia one of the most preferred destinations for Nepali foreign job aspirants in 2007 but it was not renewed after two years, Anew agreement will be signed with Malaysia keeping in mind the changing labour market scenario, he said.
           About 400,000 Nepalis are believed to be working in the destination but the Malaysian government's record reveals that there were only 283,000 Nepali workers till August last year. Likewise, Israel is a lucrative destination for Nepali women migrant workers but it is not migrant workers but it is not hiring many Nepali's at present. Just 112 Nepali women have reached Israel as caregivers after the destination reopened two months back. Israel had banned Nepali women since April24, 2009. Among other destinations with whom a labour agreement is planned, lebanon tops the chart as the destination was banned by the Nepali government following 15 suicides in 2009. The legislative parliament has ordered for the destination to be reopened after labour contact is finalised. A labour contract with the destination country ensures the safety of workers including rights to seek legal remedy. Labour contracts between countries which send and which receive workers is a must for safe migrantion but destination countries are jusally not in favour of signing the agreement.
            Other countries with whom the Nepali government has planned to sign a labour agreement are Jordan and Oman. It had allowed workers to go to Jordan last year following a six year ban. Twelve Nepalis killed in Iraq had gone through Jordan to Iraq in August 31, 2004. There are about 40,000 Nepali migrant workers in Oman.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Marriage: an outdated institution?

                        How many of you have been in this situation, you are attending a relative's marriage and you sense two pairs of wrinkled eyes staring at you. Though you don't know what they are mumbling to each other, you still know that their topic of you interest is you. Then they will invariably ask you ' Are you married?'. Now that you know the situation being referred  to you must be a smile or a frown. Amidst all these, there are so many questions unanswered. Why does one have to marry? Is marriage the answer to everything? If your marriage is not working so divorce the easy way out? Are extra marital affairs inevitable? Your mind can play games if you let it wander, so give it a rest and explore the institution called marriage.
             First and foremost why and how did the concept of marriage emerge? If we look into the history ' in Vedic period and Indus valley civilazation the concept of famil existed. However in pre-historic times there was no concept of marriage, but much later the idea of security led to development of community. Gradually, it evolved into marriage guided by religion and philosophy' says Ramesh Dhungel, Cultural and History Expert at Research Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University. He is also a member at High Level State Restructuring Commission. The topic of marriage is often of interest to many and not everyone has the same view. There are various versions of it. A couple married for 30 years who choose to remain anonymous, believes that marriage is a must. According to them there are several reasons such as ' to run a family, for social security, prestige, religious aspect and to procreate'. So it doesn't matter whether the couple is in love or not? More than love, marriage is based on understanding of the two individuals and when they stay together, understanding becomes stronger and love comes along' answers the husband. It looks like marriage is must to continue one's lineage and security. Perhaps, that's the reason coaxing a person especially a woman to get married after a certain age spreads like a virus. But does that imply that a single person remains unhappy? Most of people says just waiting for the 'right person' in life to marry, then isn't means that just a utopian aspect? However, marriage was created to maintain discipline in society, as per Dhungel.
                  What if a person gets married and has extra marital affairs? What is the point of marrying then? Extra marital affairs are created by situation and age but it's not permanent and it should not affect the marriage. 92% of the people both men and women have indulged in extra marital affairs. Then how can he/she trust the person in marriage life? And it comes complains each other and marriage life then some of questions come to live-in-relationship instead of marriage. If two people love each other committed and without  any lies in the relationship are happy. What is wrong with that? even Dhungel adds if live-in-relationship increasse then there will be less marital affairs. There are cases of extra marital affairs but due to scocietal pressure people choose to keep mum and deal with it. Which will give another aspect: Divorce comes into scene. At one hand where people remain silent about extra marital affairs, others cannot tolerate it and seek divorce. There are many cases where people want divorce in extra marital affairs being the cause. but here woman who face domestic violence are the people who seek for divorce.
            In addition, Dhungel predicts that divorce rate will drastically increase ' after 10 to 20 years  the scenario will be completely different. There will be more live-in-relations. It exist even today but due to lack of legal provision it is not out in the open. Irony is a part of life and marriage isn't spared. The concept of marriage was created for the sense of security and dependency to an extent, but given the entire situation, is the instution of marriage dying? At present the concept of marriage is in a state of confusion with influence of Eurocentric modernity. So, the institution of marriage is under severe challenge as it's in a transition form. It cannot be avoided and society has to deal with it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Federalism in Nepal.

Geo physical compulsions    
        The debateon restructuring of the state in Nepal entered a critical phase after conflicting reports submitted to the Prime Minister separately by the two factions of a most controversial 'Commission on Restructuring of the State' constituted by the government. Although federalism is a commitment made by the major political parties, the future fo federalism is in oblivion attributed to lack of national consensus and understanding to design pragmatic criteria for etablishing it.
       In the world, there are altogether 148 countries including China having Unitary System and federalism in practiced in 45 countries comprising Dual Federalism, Cooperative Federalism. The Dual Federalism exists as a 'Layer-cake' in Mexico, Malaysia, Russia and also as a 'Coordinate authority' in Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and USA. Likewise, Cooperative Federalism held its sway as 'Interdependent spheres' in Germany, Brazil and South Africa (unitary) and in the form of a 'marble-cake' in Belgium (territorial-3 and linguistic-4). The deadline for constitution-making in Nepal is approaching fast with the extremely popular verdict of the Supreme Court that Constituent Assembly of Nepal should promulgate the new constitution within the next six months of the judgement, and the Constituent Assembly term will expire on May-27, 2012. In case of failure to do so, the Supreme Court also empthatically directed for holding a referendum or alternatively to organize the next election for the CA. Thus this is the last opportunity for the CA either to do or die. The progress in constitution-making is highly exasperating, largely attributed to inefficiency and growing obsession of major political parties toward indefinitely sustaining the so called transition with the inconsequential and reprehensible role of CA. Nepal's florious civilization dates back to antiquity and the history of unified modern Nepal is in existence for over the last 240 years. The fall of monarchy and the rise of republican order resiliently demanded establishing federalism in Nepal. At this critical juncture and with the last leg of constitution making it is a great privilege for the entire Nepali populace to decide the type of federalism to be set up and the legal modus operandi to ensure sovereignty, national integrity, peace and stability, ethnic and cultural harmony and progress and prosperity in a burgeoning economy.

             To effectively establish federalism there is a need to constitute a high level expert-team of eminent authorities on various areas of federalism to scientifically determine the territory of the proposed provinces considering the population, infrastructure, natural resources, biodiverstiy, etc.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nepal Averts being blacklisted in narrow.

    Nepal has narrowly averted being listed as one of the countries with fertile grounds for financial crime, as the plenary meeting of the global anti-money laundering body, Financial Action Task Force (FATF),
held in France and decided to let Nepal remain in the 'grey list' until June. Considering the fate of some of the booming economies in south east. Asia like Indonesia and Thailand which were given equal rating as Nepal by the FATF last october but were downgraded to 'black list' during meeting in France. Nepal has something to rejoice about but the country would not have been able to make such a narrow escape had it not expressed commitments at varioud levels to adopt stringent measures to control money laundering and acts of terror financing, according to Finance Secretary Krishna hari Banskota.
          The Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai at various forums has pleged to comply with all FATF measures if the country is given some more time to settle political differences. The finance minister has gone a step forward and sent a letter to the FATF citing Nepal's commitments to fight money laundering and terror financing, he told media person, the governer of the Central Bank and I (finance secretary) have expressed similar commitments with our foreign counterparts. During the meeting of last FATF an intergovernmental body that creates standards for fighting financial crimes had asked Nepal to comply with 49 recomendations to avert being labeled as a country that does not check illegal flow for terrorist activites.
         In this regard, Nepal was asked to criminalize acts of money laundering and terror financing before the FATF meeting in France from February-15-17. It was also recommended that the country develop mechanisms to identify and freeze terrorist assets and confiscate funds related to money laundering. Besides, enactment of law on mutual legal assistance was also prescribe so that international authorities invedtigating financial crime can legally exchange information with Nepal.


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Moving forward with local plans for change of climate in Nepal.

AIMED  at developing a participatory mechanism to mangae lake watersheds through strenghthened commynity initiatives, the Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) piloted the Exploring Climate Adaptive Mechanism on Watershed Management within the Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPA) framework design in Rupa Lake Watershed of Kaski district. The pilot followed participatory approaches and tools for community consultations, orentations, capacity building, and scoping of the watershed on climate change and watershed management issues.
            The area in general has experienced increased temperature erratic and intense rainfall. A major indicator of climate change as perceived by the local community due to prolonged drought and erratic rainfall has also affected the agriculture  workforce which is turning towards migration. Farmers have experienced a delay in major rainfall patterns  from june-august to july-september Incidence of pests has also increased especially due to fog and prolonged drought. The pilot recommends a number of climate change adaptation strategies at the watershed level.

            Since social assets are important from the climate change adaptation perspective a synergistic association of community organisations and development of social cohesion is essential.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Birth of Buddha in Nepal.

There was in Kapilvastu a Sakya king, strong of purpose  and reverenced by all men a descendant of the Okkakas who call them selves Gotama and hhis name was Suddhodhan or Pure -Rice. His wife Mayadevi was beautiful as the water-lily and pure mind as the lotus. As the Queen of Heaven she lived on earth untainted by desire and immaculate. The king, her husband honored her in her holiness and the spirit of truth, glorious and strong in his wisdom like unto a white elephant descented upon her. When she knew that the hour of motherhood was near she asked the king to send her home to her parents and Suddhodhan anxious about his wife and the child she would bear him willingly granted her request.
         At Lumbini there is a beautiful grove and when Mayadevi passed through it the trees one mass of fragrant flowers and many birds were warebling in their branches. The Queen wishing to stroll through the shady walks, left her golden palanquin and when she reached the giant sala tree in the midst of the grove felt that her hour had come. She took hold of a branch her attendants hung a curtain about her and retired. When the pain of travail came upon her four pure minded angels of the great Brahma held out a golden net to receive the babe, who came forth from her right side like the rising sun bright and perfect. The Brahma angels took the child and placing him before the mother said. Rejoice O Queen a mightly son has been born unto thee.
             At her couch stood an aged woman imploring the heavens to bless the child  All the worlds were flooded with light. The blind recveived theri sight by longing to see the coming glory of the Lord the deaf and dumb spoke with one another of the good omens indicating the birht of the Buddha to be. The crooked became straight the lame walked. All prisoners were freed from their chains and the fires of all the hells were extinguished. No clouds gathered in the skies and the polluted streams became clear whilst celestial music rang through the air and the angels rejoiced  with gladness. The royal father was now full of joy and now sore distressed. The queen mother beholding her child and the commotion which his birth created felt in her timorous heart the pangs of doubt.
               Now there was at that time in a grove near Lumbini, Asita a rishi. He was a Brahman of dignified mien. famed not only for wisdom and scholarship but also for his skill in the interpretation of signs. And the king invited him to see the royal babe. The seer beholding the prince wept and sighed deeply and when the king saw the tears of Asita he became alarmed and asked, ' Why has the sight of my son caused thee grief and pain?' But Asita's heart rejoiced and knowing the king's mind to be perplexed  he addressed him saying, The king has begotten a wondrously noble son. I worship this child. and the gods in the temples will descend from their places of honor to adore him. Banish all anxiety and doubt, The spiritual omens manifested indicated that the child now born will bring deliverance to the whole world. He will either be a king of kings to govern all the lands of the earth, or verify will become a Buddha.
                When the royal parents heard Asita's words they rejoiced in their hearts and named their new born infant Siddhartha that is he who has accomplished his purpose. And the queen said to her sister Pajapati, A mother who has borne a future Buddha will never give birth to another child. I shall soon leave this world, my husband the king and Siddhartha my child. When I am gone be thou a mother to him And pajapati wept and promised. When the queen had departed from the living Pajapati took the boy Siddhartha and reared  him. The royal child grew ferom day to day in mind and in body and truth fulness and love resided in his heart.

Friday, February 17, 2012

In the face of climate change in Nepal's Himalayas.

Eco Clubs as Youth and Climate Change Agents.        Bimala Poudel is a member of Numuna Eco Club in Neelkantha Secondary School in Dhaibung of Rasuwa district in Langtang. In the past she used to be like everybody else, listening to the weather forecast at the end of every radio news bulletin. Nowadays, she has a different role, she keeps a record of local weather station in her school at 8:45 am everyday to record temperatures. Bimala says, 'From the Weather Station, we are well informed about maximum and minimum temperatures, rainfall patterns and humidity. Since agriculture is the mainstay of my village, sharing this information with my community helps them adjust and adapt their farming practices suited to the changing climate.
               Weather Stations were established by WWF-NEPAL and Langtang National Park and Buffer Zone Support Project in five schools in Rasuwa district of Langtang where the eco club associated with each school are responsible for operating the Weather Station and ensuring maximum studen participation. Through the Weather Station, the local community on the hydrometeorological sector and disseminating information on climate condition to them on a regular basis.
               The Weather Stations are part of WWF-NEPAL's pilot project on climate adaptation in Langtang supported by UKAID  and WWF-UK which also includes a robust sustainable livelihoods program. While serving to bridge the information gap on climate-related information for local communities the Weather Stations are a simple technology that allows local youth to apply this information towards ensuring food security for their community which is a key issue interlinked with climate change in Nepal's Himalayas.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Youth and Climate Change in WWF-NEPAL.

Helping pave the way for sustainable carbon financing in Nepal.
In the face of climate change and its challenges at both a local and global scale, carbon financing has come as an opportunity to combat climate change by promoting renewable energy, engergy efficiency and forest carbon related projects. Local communities are the stewards of nature conservation and when the world is looking towards solution to combat climate change, it si vital to engage local communities in this process. WWF-Nepal, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, Embassy of Finland, USAID, and the WWF network offices in Finland, US and UK is helping build a team of trained local resource persons (LRPs) and students on forest carbon and REDD+ issues. The opportunity bridges local level knowledge and enhances capacities and the technical skills of local youth, government officials and aspiring students on forest carbon and inventory issues, 148LRPs have been trained on forest carbon inventory in Nepal's two biggest conservation landscapes the Terai Are Landscape (TAL) and the Sacred Himalayan Landscape (SHL). The training runs for 5 days and includes both theory and practical sessions before doing field-level work.
          The LRPs proved instrumental in developing the forest carbon status in TAL. which is now being replicated in SHL, with plans to upscale it in Chitwan-Annapurna Linkage, using both students and replicated in LRPs. Thid engagement will help local people understand the technicalities behind REDD+and the complexities behind the process. This will also serve as a platform for local youth to share views on scio-economic issues the local drivers for deforestation and degradation, sustainable management of forest, forest carbon enhancement, benefit sharing and the role of forests for both adaptaion and mitigation.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

One Nation many Tongues.

Language rights for all is a pertinent topic for discussion in our Constituent Assembly.

As everything in Nepal is mixed with politics, language is no exception. The politicization of language in the country began noticeably after Drabya Shah was crowned the King of Gorkha by replacing the Magar King in the 16th century. Since then, the rulers of the Baise and Chaubise Rajyas (the groups of 22 and 24 states which lie in present-day-western Nepal) voluntarity and psychologically embraced the dominance of Khas culture and Nepali language under the Gorkha rule of king Prithvi Narayan Shah. It can thus be argued that the 1720s were a remarkable decade for that was when language became a contentious issue in Nepali politics. Not only the Shah dynasty but the Ranas who took over power in 1846 and made the Shah kings mere figure heads, had also given special nourishment to the Nepali language by undermining other languages. Due to such special protection given by various rules in the 18th and 19th centuries a number of major development mile stones such as standardization of literature, dictionary preparation and codification in Nepali were achieved.
                 A closer look at history about how the state treated the languages reveals that the treatment was driven by political will. The culture of a country is indeed judged by the way it treats and respects linguistic minorities. But our earlier experiences and practices show that we have failed to rightfully address the country's linguistic diversity. For this, the role of languages should be identified as per their function in the country rather than for the sake of governing support and political advancement. Once might consider the  fact that if we impose a particular language based on political power, it will turn out to be a toxin for us. In a multilingual country like Nepal, forcing a language upon the people by the state is really a perilous issue.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ecosystem procedure.

Ecosystem is most important to be continueing to alive for living things which one of the chain being destroy than slow by slow all the living things will be destroy so in an Ecosystem, green plants or producers utilize the solar energy from sun light and synthesize the food materials. The solar energy is stored in the producers in the of complex organic materials, such as carbohydrates, proteins, etc. This energy is transferred to other consumers in an ecosystem by eating. Therefore, food chain can be defines as the transfer of energy in form of food from one organism to other group of organisms through repeating eating and lastly being eaten. In the ecosystem, producers are eaten up by primary consumers. The primary connsumers are eaten up by the secondary consumers which is further consumed by tertiary consumers. After the death of the plants and animals, decomposers convert the organic into inorganic matetrials, which are utilised by the producers in this a chain of energy is formed in an ecosystem.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Floral Diversity of Nepal.

Floral Diversity of Nepal
                                          Nepal occupies only 0.1 percent of the global surface area. It hosts some of the most spectacular natural areas in the world. The landscape of Nepal is predominantly composed of hills and mountains  covering 83 percent of the total land area of Nepal. However the great variation in topography with altitudes  ranging from 60m to 8,848m over a distance of 190km has resulted in a great diversity of vegetation and a wide range of habitats. The country is endowed with a rich of plants and animals. There are more than 2 percent of the world's flowering plants, about 8 percent of the world's bird species, and about 4 percent of the world's mammal species. In terms of species richness, Nepal is the 11th position in Asia and the 25th position in the world (HMG 2000). Nepal falls within two biogeographically realms the Indo-Malayan and the Palaearctic realms which add to the high biodiversity level. Floral diversity represents the availability of different types of plants. In Nepal, great efforts have been carried on the higher plants i.e. gymnosperms and angiosperms but the research on lower groups i.e., non flowering plants is not much extensive . It is estimated that the British Museum has over 40,000 specimend of Nepalese plants. The University of Tokyo has about 100,000 specimens the national herbarium and plant laboratories of Kathmandu has about 150,000 specimens, and approximately 20,000 specimens are kept in different institutions of Tribhuvan University. However, the work has not yet completed. Therefore, the exact number of species is still unknown. All the infromation mentioned above and onwards is based on the publications and scattered works.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Donating Blood

Let us save lives by donating our blood.In three months our blood cells are destroyed in our body.So why waste the blood cells? Instead let us save the lives of needy people , and eventually we will feel proud of ourselves to see the people who are living because of our blood which will also make us very happy and make our lives worthwhile. This world is really beautiful because there are people like us who really and sincerely want to save and help this world. Those who are interested in donating blood should also motivate others to do so. The blood banks in the country report shortages of blood. Donating blood, therefore, mean saving lives. There is no saying when anyone needs blood. People should be encouraged to donate blood. For this there is need to make them aware about the good they would be doing if they donated their blood. This will be the great work of us being human being our wasting blood which is very worthful in the other site if we donate the blood. That helps to save the lives of people in needed of blood if we people never donate the blood then see what will be happen? So this matter should be give address from our Government, our Society for giving awareness from each side by side to each people to people. What is Donating blood and how worthful along important is this.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Laxmi Intercontinental Pvt. Ltd. (LIPL) sole authorised distributor of Hyundai for Nepal, is gearing up to roll out its fifth-generation Elantra in the Nepali market. According to the company, the all-new compact sedan is expected to hit Nepali roads by mid-October. We have a lot of expectations from this model, as it caters to the rdemand of the segment  between Accent and Sonata said Rupesh Sharma Bhatta , senior manager of business development  and planning at LIPL adding that the sedan will  be priced between Rs.3.6 million to Rs.3.7 million. He added that the 1600 cc car has a powerful engine and offer good mileage. Since the first-generation model was lunched in 1990, the Elantra has enjoyed cumulative sales of six million units worldwide. The company claims that the compact sedan will continue offering class leading performance and fuel efficiency under its cutting edge technology and power. Elantra incorporates a specific design concept called "Wind Craft" The refined look continues inside with high-gloss black and metallic colours used in the cabinet. The new Elantra comes with remarkably advanced gasoline engines, Gamma 1.6-liters MPI D CVVT, which is mated to six-speed auto and manual transmissions, which deliver impressively more horsepower while consuming less fuel and producing lower emissions than the power trains they replace. Developed and maufactured entirely in house the all new six-speed automatic tranmission is reportedly the world's first to be designed for engine applications in small mid-sized passenger cars. The new Elantra offers a hostg of advanced features which includes safety escort head lamps that remain turned on for 30 seconds  after the driver leaves the car, a cluster ioniser system that purifies the air and deodorises harmful gases by generationg cluster ions an auto defogging system , heated rear seats and rear parking assistance sensors. Elantra has wonderful safety features such as vehicle stability mangement (VSM) which helps vehicles stay in a stable position and electronid stability programme (ESP) along with a six-airbag system.

Tiny car

Kathmandu, fuelling public anticipation with a tour across Nepal from June 1, Tata Nano, the world's cheapest car is all set  to launch in the Nepali market by the last week of June, However a highly placed source from Sipradi Tradin pvt. ltd, authorised distributor of Tata vehicles says that the exact date is yet to be fixed. Speculations are rife over the price of this tiny car that is expected to make a big bang in the Nepali market. However, the source revealed that Tata Nano will  be available for no less than Rs.900000 based on the price of the model in India. IRs.151000 and after adding all the mandatory custom duty and taxes. Promoted as Nano Khusiko Sancho or Nano the key to happiness, this car also known as the "one lakh car" was first introduced in India in 2009. It will be available in three variants Nano, Nano CX and Nano LX in the domestic market. Designed with the vision of creating a car that brings together space efficiency, cost efficiency, safety, fuel efficiency and environmental protection, Nano is the ultimate "People's car" from the Tata Motors.